“Praça 25 de Abril”

Final Design



The main purpose of this proposal for the “Praça 25 de Abril” square, right in the centre of the town of Armamar, is to capitalize on the space by affording it with quality and human comfort.
To achieve these goals, the land will be organized into small terraces, in keeping with the type of landscape so typical of this region, which is dominated by vineyards.
At the lowest level of the work area, a small parking lot is planned to serve this space and the entire surrounding zone. The smaller intermediate platform will feature small leisure zones, while the broader and more unhindered concept for the upper level aims to be more multi-purpose. Two water features mark these last two platforms, giving them the necessary component of aesthetics and well-being from their radiating freshness and sound of flowing water.
Connecting these terraces is a network of paths to traverse them and/or access the various planned leisure zones. The platforms will be connected by ramps and stairways.
Plant arrangements – mostly tree species planted in lines – will give colour to the space, while simultaneously defining shade, leisure and traffic zones.

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