Urban Park at Pinhel

Final Design



The concepts for this proposal were essentially guided by the intention to make this a multi-purpose space with the necessary versatility and human comfort, but without losing sight of the urban layout and landscape necessitated by the space’s central location.
To achieve these goals, both from a standpoint of aesthetics as well as the work area’s structural and environmental consolidation, the land must be properly prepared and modelled in order to install a green infrastructure to address the project’s specific needs.
Comfortable foot traffic and the interconnection with existing walkways were an ongoing concern in this project, which was the reason for creating a network of interconnecting paths allowing the park to be easily traversed and/or the different leisure zones found there to be accessed.
Inside the park’s central area, a small water feature is planned, flanked by a small support building with a bar and, on the opposite end, a mini amphitheatre. Dispersed along the pathways are other small leisure areas for sports (basketball, beach volleyball and table tennis), recreation and leisure, thanks to a children’s playground, tables and benches, together with a space for traditional games.
At its most central point, there are three lawn areas, one modelled, also aimed at encouraging recreation and leisure.
The walkways and leisure areas are meant to be comfortable for foot traffic, with the desired permeability, which is why most of the ground will be gravel.

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