Park in Carrascal Forest

Conceptual Design



Carrascal Forest, located southeast of the town of Alvaiázere in the District of Leiria, is – in and of itself – a space of invaluable environmental and scenic value.
This proposal to create a park in the Carrascal Forest covers its nearly 25 hectares of wooded area; as such, it aims to be integrating, environmentally friendly and complementary to the various exiting infrastructures in the vicinity (football stadium, swimming pools, sports pavilion and campsites).
The design, throughout the park, of a tree-climbing course, a small fitness circuit and pedestrian walkways encourages the enjoyment and enhancement of nature.
The park’s main entrance will be on the south side, where there will be a small bar next to a playground, picnic area and the so-called “Garden of Poems” where small tributes to local poets will “flourish”.
A skating park is planned for outside of the actual forest, near the football stadium and connected to the Carrascal Forest by a small pedestrian overpass, to meet the desires of the younger, more radical part of the local community.

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